
NJEA President Sean Spiller's story is an American Story.

Born in Jamaica, he immigrated to America with his parents, who were seeking a better life for him and his brother. They found that better life in New Jersey, where Sean attended public schools and excelled in both academics and sports.

At Rutgers University, Sean studied biology and psychology and captained the hockey team. After a brief career in journalism, he found himself drawn to follow in the footsteps of his mother and become a teacher.

Hired as a high school science teacher in Wayne, New Jersey, Sean developed both a love of teaching and a passion to advocate for his students and his colleagues. He soon began taking leadership roles in his local and county associations, as well as with NJEA. Among many other roles, he became president of the Wayne Education Association before he was elected as an NJEA officer in 2013.

Sean was elected NJEA President in 2021. In that role, he led NJEA’s efforts to reelect Gov. Phil Murphy that fall. Under his leadership, NJEA has achieved significant wins for members, including full funding of our pension systems, full funding of New Jersey’s school funding formula, the suspension of SGO collection for tenured teachers and greatly expanded sick leave rights for all public school employees. He is now leading NJEA’s growing campaign for pension justice, to ensure that all NJEA members have a strong, secure pension that allows for a dignified retirement.

Sean’s commitment to justice extends to his community as well. He served as a township councilor and then as mayor of Montclair, where he lives with his wife and two sons. As the husband of a fellow teacher and as father of two future New Jersey public school students, Sean wants his family and all New Jersey families to have the educational and economic opportunities that greeted him, his brother and his parents when they came to America.

Sean’s passion for public education, his commitment to justice and his determination to build a brighter future for all New Jersey residents has earned him NJEA’s endorsement and support as he campaigns to be New Jersey’s next governor!

Campaign Resources

Spiller for Governor Postcards

Contact your UniServ office to order 

